Most Influential People of All Time (Vote)

Who are/were the most significant figures in history? The most significant figures in human history are included here. This list includes investors, religious leaders, and scientists. There are also some of the most significant figures in world history in this collection. 

What then gives people their influence? What qualifies someone for inclusion on a list of the most influential persons in history? 

It is only right to provide high rankings to those with the best intellect in human history. These extraordinary and motivating individuals all changed the world with the power of their thoughts. 

Based on many people's opinions, beliefs, and choices, we feel that it is appropriate to launch this poll including a list of the most influential persons in history, which includes these historical figures, intriguing men, and significant individuals. 


Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ



Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi



Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Paul the Apostle

Paul the Apostle

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton




Most Influential People of All Time (Vote)

Who are/were the most significant figures in history? The most significant figures in human history are included here. This list includes investors, religious leaders, and scientists. There are also some of the most significant figures in world history in this collection. 

What then gives people their influence? What qualifies someone for inclusion on a list of the most influential persons in history? 

It is only right to provide high rankings to those with the best intellect in human history. These extraordinary and motivating individuals all changed the world with the power of their thoughts. 

Based on many people's opinions, beliefs, and choices, we feel that it is appropriate to launch this poll including a list of the most influential persons in history, which includes these historical figures, intriguing men, and significant individuals. 


Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ



Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi



Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Paul the Apostle

Paul the Apostle

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton


